

NARS 2016 Sets The Bar

Apr 27, 2016 • NewsComments Off on NARS 2016 Sets The Bar

Rocky Bleier & Jerry Wilson

The 8th Annual North American Repossessors Summit (NARS) ushered in a new era for the recovery and remarketing industry. From a record-breaking attendance of nearly 600 attendees, including recovery and remarketing professionals and lenders, to a wildly successful auction contributing $9,600 to the Recovery Agents Benefit Fund, NARS proved to be the “must attend” event of the year. NARS 2016 was a high-demand event for both attendees and exhibitors alike. Sponsorships and exhibitor opportunities were sold out far in advance even though additional opportunities were added for the 2016 summit.

Harding Brooks Insurance

Apr 5, 2016 • Tools & InsightsComments Off on Harding Brooks Insurance

Harding Brooks Insurance Agency
is excited to be the 2016 Headline Sponsor for the second consecutive NARS! At NARS 2015, we were able to meet many new ARA members, and discuss the questions and concerns facing the industry today. Harding Brooks is committed to the success of the repossession industry. Our goal has been, and will remain to be, the leader in providing expert advice on insurance and industry standards. (more…)

Register Now For The March Webinar

Mar 24, 2016 • NewsComments Off on Register Now For The March Webinar

Register Now for this month's webinar

Join us for our March webinar focusing on:
Personal and Workplace Safety and Personal Property Handling
presented by Dave Kennedy of First Credit Resources

Register Online
Tuesday, March 29, 2:00 p.m. CST / 3:00 p.m. EST


Register Online
Wednesday, March 30, 11:00 a.m. CST / 12:00 p.m. EST

ARA members must register online for the webinar with individual email addresses to receive a certificate of completion. If computer sharing is necessary, please provide a list of employee names and email addresses in an excel spreadsheet to

American Recovery Association provides a free continuing education webinar series for recovery and remarketing professionals. The one-hour webinar offers education about the latest recovery laws and regulations, compliance policies and industry issues.

We are also excited to announce that the state of Louisiana now recognizes all ARA webinars as part of the eight hours of continuing education that is required to renew state licenses.

If you have any questions or feedback about our continuing education webinar series, please contact ARA Home Office at 972-755-4755 or

Important Note To Our Members

Feb 23, 2016 • NewsComments Off on Important Note To Our Members

Dear ARA Member,

I am writing to you today as a member and not a Board Member of the ARA.  I am very concerned about the RDN contract that is being presented to the industry.  Am I the only one? What are you doing about it?  Are you just bending over and signing it?  

When I signed on, I was told that, as a full version user, I would never have to pay to receive or report a repossession.  That was supposed to be the benefit of being a full version user versus a limited version user. 

As a Board Member, I was present when the RDN principals came to us and made promises that we would never see a price increase from them.  They stated that there were very early users that were paying less than $100 a month and they would NEVER pay any more than that to be an RDN user.  I feel deeply betrayed because I helped promote the use of RDN in the beginning and now I feel personally responsible for this.

They came to the ARA convention and said that these terms were forever as long as we stayed a full version user.  Now they have sold out to corporate America and the greed that goes with it.  We are looking at a 300% increase in my monthly expenses and because some clients have quirky billing procedure issues, I may have to pay $10 to receive and bill the same assignment. How is this helping our industry.

Now that clients are using this software to assign accounts, RDN thinks we have no choice but to sign so they can do anything they want to to us.  I am not sure what our choices are but I do not want to go down this road of dictation and unreasonable demands from people riding the backs of the agents to benefit themselves.

If I am wrong, please tell me so; it is this association that I love and trust.  If you are facing the same concerns, then let me know so that we can address this together. Maybe CORP could get involved.

Mary Jane Hogan
National Locating & Recovery, Inc.
Cell   205-529-6874

Register Now For The February Webinar

Feb 16, 2016 • ARA News and EventsComments Off on Register Now For The February Webinar

Register Now for this month's webinar
Introducing The ARA Marketplace 
presented by Les McCook, ARA Executive Director 
Register Online
Wednesday, February 17, 1:00 p.m. CST / 2:00 p.m. EST
The ARA website has had several new upgrades and programs added to it. From an exciting new industry marketplace to updates to the ARA compliance monitoring system, we have some really exciting additions to introduce to you.
If you have any questions or feedback please contact ARA Home Office at
972-755-4755 or

ARA Awarded The Townsell Award

Feb 10, 2016 • ARA News and Events, NewsComments Off on ARA Awarded The Townsell Award


During its annual meeting on February 2, 2016, the Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau presented four annual awards, recognizing outstanding achievement and contributions to the hospitality industry and to the Irving Community.

The American Recovery Association was unanimously selected as this year’s recipient of The Townsell Award. The Townsell Award recognizes an Irving-based individual or community organization that has made a difference by making Irving home to significant meetings, conventions, or events, just as Jackie made a home for Bear Creek residents.

Register Now For The January Webinar

Jan 25, 2016 • ARA News and EventsComments Off on Register Now For The January Webinar

Register Now for this month's webinar

Join us for our January webinar focusing on:
Breach of the Peace and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act
presented by Dave Kennedy of First Credit Resources

Register Online
Tuesday, January 26, 2:00 p.m. CST / 3:00 p.m. EST


Register Online
Thursday, January 28, 11:00 a.m. CST / 12:00 p.m. EST

ARA members must register online for the webinar with individual email addresses to receive a certificate of completion. If computer sharing is necessary, please provide a list of employee names and email addresses in an excel spreadsheet to

American Recovery Association provides a free continuing education webinar series for recovery and remarketing professionals. The one-hour webinar offers education about the latest recovery laws and regulations, compliance policies and industry issues.

We are also excited to announce that the state of Louisiana now recognizes all ARA webinars as part of the eight hours of continuing education that is required to renew state licenses.

If you have any questions or feedback about our continuing education webinar series, please contact ARA Home Office at 972-755-4755 or

Member Highlight: Walter and Carla Justice

Jan 13, 2016 • ARA Member Spotlight2 Comments


image1It takes a village to thrive in today’s market climate. The importance of team effort, strong time management, prioritizing family time and good business sense is evident with Walter and Carla Justice.

Walter and Carla were married January 1989 and have been in the recovery business for almost 27 years. They learned a lot in their business, and in turn, raised their family within our industry family. Their two sons, Trae and Colby, are both members of the Young Professional Repossessor Commission. Over time they too have added family members and introduced them to our industry family as well. Colby’s wife Angie works with the Justice’s.

After working under Jack Justice and Don Thornton, Walter and Carla started Justice Brothers. They went on to purchase Alert Recovery and became proud ARA members, as well as members of Eagle Group XX. Walter and Carla have never forgotten the professionalism that Don Thornton instilled in them from the beginning and consider him one of their greatest mentors.

The recovery industry has been a constant in the Justice household. They consider working in this industry a hobby since they enjoy it so much. Well, that, and golf…

We are so very pleased to have Walter and Carla among our constituents. They are a perfect example of a family who gives back and encourages the younger generation of recovery professionals to contribute as well. Thank you both for all that you have done for our industry through the years.

Member Highlight: Martha Randall

Dec 2, 2015 • NewsComments Off on Member Highlight: Martha Randall


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Mississippi Auto Recovery’s Martha Randall and a few of her young at heart friends were looking for a creative way to raise funds for their church — thus the Delta Rockers were born. The Delta Rockers, all dancers aged 60 and up, took off and became quite the sensation. Covered in sequins, the Delta Rockers perform at no charge for non-profit groups, veterans groups, nursing homes, cruises and fundraisers of all sorts. The group puts on a wonderful show that involves a variety of music and costume changes. We’re sure these ladies mystify any audience for whom they perform.


We are so proud of Martha and her fellow Delta Rockers for the wonderful work they are doing.

Great News from the American Recovery Association

Nov 20, 2015 • NewsComments Off on Great News from the American Recovery Association

ARA Association 2015 [Draft]


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