Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics and Operations binds each member of ARA in that he/she shall:

1. Maintain a high standard of business principles and avoid all conduct which would bring reproach upon this Association, its members, and the repossession industry.

2. Abide by this Association’s Charter, Bylaws, this Code, and other policies adopted by the Board of Directors.

3. Comply with all federal, state, county, and municipal laws relating to the ownership and operation of a repossession business.

4. Never operate under a name, style, insignia, device, or logo simulating that of any governmental agency or otherwise to imply affiliation with any branch of any governmental or law enforcement agency.

5. Ensure that he/she and all personnel are thoroughly familiar with the repossession laws of the member’s state, the ARA Charter, Bylaws, this Code, and other policies of this Association and that they are complied with.

6. Delegate tasks only to qualified personnel.

7. Never discriminate or interfere with on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, or national origin:

a. The selection of creditors whom he/she represents

b. The selection of staff, personnel, or employees

c. Business dealings with consumers and the general public

d. Colleagues and competitors

e. Prospective members of this Association

f. Fellow members of the Association

8. Maintain a sufficiently strong financial position to reasonably assure continued business operation.

9. Provide efficient, effective repossession service in the member’s trade or service area.

10. Always protect the interest of the client and give prompt, diligent attention to all assignments.

11. Follow instructions given by clients, give prompt explanation in the event of inability to do so, and always seek clarification or additional instructions in a doubtful situation.

12. Never misrepresent qualifications, capacity, experience, or abilities as a repossessor or credit adjuster.

13. Always compete in a fair and honorable manner, never publicly attacking the reputation of a competitor.

14. Never distort an evaluation of competitors or colleagues. Members should refrain from disclosing detrimental information except to correct, eliminate, or avoid unethical or illegal practices.

15. Comply with Association policies governing forwarding without the consent of the forwarder.

16. Never communicate directly with the clients of a forwarder without the consent of the forwarder.

17. Be conscious of ways to assist fellow Association members with the improvement of their business operations, when such help is not competitively detrimental.

18. Confirm or acknowledge in writing all assignments within twenty-four hours of receipt, whether received verbally or in writing.

19. Reply to a client’s request for a report within twenty-four hours, confirming verbal reports in writing within seven days.

20. Provide the client with:

a. Verbal report immediately upon repossession

b. Written reports on a regular basis to keep client informed as to your findings on the account

21. Immediately store or otherwise secure all repossessed property. Vehicles shall never be driven or used except upon authorization of the client.

22. Upon request of a client, secure three separate and independent bids in writing, whenever possible, and present them to the client.

23. When invoicing the forwarder for services and out-of-pocket expenses, the various charges are to be itemized. The services and out-of-pocket expenses must be justified and receipts provided to the client upon request.

24. Always cooperate with the Grievance Committee and Current Membership Committee in resolving complaints in order to uphold the Association and its members to the Directory users, credit grantors, and the general public.

25. Never mislead any third person into the mistaken belief that the member is the American Recovery Association, Inc., although each member is always entitled to an appropriate reference to membership in this Association, including discreet use of its logo on letterheads, business cards, advertising, etc.

26. Quote in advance the estimated charges, costs, and fees for his/her various services upon request of any client.