Join ARA

How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the American Recovery Association! 

Step One:

Ensure you meet the requirements for becoming an ARA member.

Requirements for becoming an ARA member:

  • The applicant must be properly licensed as required by their state and/or local authorities.
  • He/she will be thoroughly familiar with and comply with the laws affecting the collateral recovery business of the state(s) in which he/she offers service and will have no past felony convictions in the last seven years, and no convictions of any kind for a crime involving fraud, violence, theft, or conversion for the same look back period
  • Membership is granted to business entities with one company officer named as the Executive Member.
  • ARA has set high standards for applicants seeking membership. The association conducts an extensive background investigation of every applicant.
  • New applicants who have been in business less than two years will be placed on probation during the amount of time necessary to fulfill the two (2) year period. You must complete an approved compliance training program, attend at least one ARA Convention and operate without a complaint filed against your company during this period of time before you are recognized as a voting member.

Step Two:

If you meet the minimum requirements for becoming an ARA member, please request an application here: Request a Membership Application

Step 3:

Once you have answered the required questions in the short “Request for Application” form, you will be sent an email with your full “Application for Membership” form.

Application Processing

The Home Office staff first processes all completed applications. Then, the New Membership Committee reviews them. Notice of the application shall be published in at least one issue of the Association’s News & Views newsletter publication prior to final action. Any objections to an application must be made in writing to Home Office and shall immediately be referred to the New Membership Committee for further consideration. An applicant is accepted into membership by a majority vote of the New Membership Committee and will be notified by certified letter of his/her acceptance. All dues and fees must be paid in a single payment within 40 days of the date on the acceptance letter, or the application becomes invalid.

Step Four:

You will be notified via certified letter if you have been accepted as an ARA member. You will also receive an email giving your company access to our extensive Member Resources.

Affiliate Members

We are very excited to introduce the Affiliate Class of membership into our association. A long-held belief of the ARA Board of Directors is joining together all of the stakeholders to create efficient solutions that serve all sides well is the best way to solve the issues of our industry.

Vendor Associate Members

As an association, it would be very difficult to serve our members without the support of those who provide products or services to our members. Their willingness to support the association and lend their professional advice to the development of special programs that benefit our members is greatly appreciated.