The North American Repossessors Summit (NARS), an industry event hosted by the American Recovery Association, Inc. (ARA) and Time Finance Adjusters (TFA), is proud to announce that Brad Berry, a Senior Field Advisor for Advanced Diagnostics USA, and Tony Presido, Director of USA distribution for Advanced Diagnostics USA, will give a brief presentation on the importance of locksmithing next Thursday, March 20th at 10:00 a.m. before the summit.
The presentation, Increase Y our Profit With Locksmithing, sponsored by KeyNET will address the benefits of locksmithing and the costs and profits that can be expected. There will be also be an in depth instruction covering use of the Advanced Diagnostics Key Programmers and their capabilities, as well as a hands on Proximity Key Programming demo towards the end of the session.
This presentation is open to all NARS attendees and we encourage you to bring your employees. This is a valuable presentation that you and your employees definitely don’t want to miss. To learn more about NARS, visit