Nickname: The Yellowhammer State
Capital City: Montgomery
State Population: 4,802,740 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 416 - 424
Borders: North - Tennessee, West – Mississippi, East – Georgia and South - Florida
Title State: Yes, 1975 and subsequent years
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral through providing full payment of the monies owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor.
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: MVT-15-1 (Repossession Affidavit) and original released title
Plates: Remain with debtor
Nickname: The Last Frontier
Capital City: Juneau
State Population: 722,718 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 574
Borders: Country of Canada (East)
Title State: Yes
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: N/A
Redemption Requirements: Within 10 days after retaking. If customer had paid 50% of purchase price or $500.00, a public sale is required. If less than 50% or $500.00, private sale is permitted
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (UCC Section 49.9.504(c).)
Liquidation Documents: Repossession affidavit, certified copy of contract, bill of sale
Plates: Remain with vehicle
if a licensed repossession agency has cause to believe that a vehicle that serves as collateral collects or stores personal information as defined under section 10, then, as soon as practicable upon repossession of the vehicle and prior to the release of the vehicle from the possession of the licensed repossession agency, the Licensed Repossession Agency shall clear, erase, delete, or otherwise eliminate the personal information collected or stored in or by the the vehicle by using a
standardized electronic solution . .
Nickname: The Grand Canyon State
Capital City: Phoenix
State Population: 6,482,505 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 526-527, 600-601, 764-765
Borders: West-California, North-Nevada, Utah & Colorado, East-New Mexico, South – Country of Mexico
Title State: Yes
Security Interest: Shown on title, title mailed to debtor, lien-holder record mailed to lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor
Notice of Intent: Unless the collateral is perishable or threatens to decline speedily in value or is of a type customarily sold on a recognized market, reasonable notification of the time and place of any public sale or reasonable notification of the time after which any private sale or other intended disposition is to be made shall be sent by the secured party to the debtor, if he has not signed after default a statement renouncing or modifying his right to notification of sale.
Liquidation Documents: Arizona Lien-holder record or out-of-state title, AZ MVD "Affidavit of Repossession/Bill of Sale" form and vehicle inspection if vehicle not previously registered in Arizona.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
PPI: Illinois Collateral Recovery Act 225 ILCS 422/110 (F) if a licensed repossesion agency has cause to believe that a vehicle that serves as collateral collects or stores personal information, as defined under section 10, then, as soon as practicable upon repossession of the vehicle and prior to the release of the vehicle from the possession of the licensed repossession agency, the Licensed Repossession Agency shall clear, erase, delete, or otherwise eliminate the personal information collected or stored in or by the vehicle by using a standardized electronic solution . .
Nickname: The Natural State
Capital City: Little Rock
State Population: 2,937,979 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 429-432 and 676-679
Borders: West - Texas and Oklahoma, North - Missouri, East - Tennessee and Mississippi, South - Louisiana
Title State: Yes, except boats
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Debtor can redeem ten days after retaking or after judgment in replevin. The debtor has a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Certified copy of contract, title, repossession affidavit and application for title by the secured party.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
The Golden State
Capital City:
State Population:
36.9 Million
(Per 2009 Census)
Social Security Prefix:
545 thru 573
602 thru 626
Border States:
Oregon (North)
Nevada (East)
Arizona (East)
Country of Mexico (South)
Title State:
Security Interests:
Shown on the title held by lienholder.
Department of Motor Vehicles:
Repossession Allowed:
Allowed per the UCC without a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements:
Yes, can be confirmed at
Redemption Requirements:
Debtor has 10 days to redeem and can ask for an additional 15 days in writing.
Notice of Intent Requirements:
Debtor must be notified at least fifteen (15) days prior of intent to sale per California's Rees-Levering Automobile Sales and Finance Act.
Items Required for Liquidation:
Title or Lien Satisfied, Affidavit of Repossession and Bill of Sale
License Plates:
Most remain with the vehicle. However, “personalized” plates are the property of the debtor.
Nickname: The Centennial State
Capital City: Denver
State Population: 5,116,796 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 521-524 and 650-653
Borders: West - Utah, North - Wyoming and Nebraska, East - Kansas, South - Oklahoma and New Mexico
Title State: Yes, except boats
Security Interest: Shown on title held by the lienholder
Repo’s Allowed: Peaceful repossession allowable; However, a secured party or such party's assignee who wishes to recover or take possession of collateral upon default, including a motor vehicle repossessed pursuant to section 42-6-146, C.R.S., must contract to recover or take possession of collateral only with a person who is bonded for property damage to or conversion of such collateral in the amount of $50,000.00. Failure to comply with this requirement may render the secured party liable for damages, as a principal, even if the relationship between the secured party and the repossessor is that of an independent contractor. (C.R.S. 4-9-503(2), (3).)
Repo Licensing Requirements: Must file a surety bond with Colorado Attorney General.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (C.R.S. 4-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (C.R.S. 4-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Repossession title is issued to lien-holder only. Title and DR412 (Repossession Affidavit) and Application for New Title. Lien-holder may sell vehicle without first applying for new title.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Constitution State
Capital City: Hartford
State Population: 3,580,709 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 040-049
Borders: (West) New York, (North) Massachusetts, (East) Rhode Island
Title State: Yes, most vehicles manufactured after 1970 and trailers over 3,000 gvw. Not boats or mobile homes
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace. Police Department must be notified upon taking possession.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Section 42a-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Affidavit of Repossession, Certificate of Title, Q-1 form to transfer.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The First State
Capital City: Dover
State Population: 907,135 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 221-222
Borders: South and West Maryland, North - Pennsylvania, East - New Jersey
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles. Not boats or mobile homes.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by the lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Debtor can redeem within 15 days after taking by payment of total balance due plus repossession fees.
Notice of Intent: N/A
Liquidation Documents: Title. Repossession Affidavit (MV-195), copy of contract
Plates: Remain with the vehicle
District of Columbia
Nickname: Our Nation’s Capital
Population: 617,996 (2011)
Social Security Prefix: 577-579
Borders: North – Maryland, South - Virginia
Title State: Yes
Security Interest: Shown on title, held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Must be licensed as a collection agency with Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (D.C. 28:9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (D.C. 28:9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: : Certified copy of contract and title, inspection if out of state
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Sunshine State
Capital City: Tallahassee
State Population: 18.8 Million (Per 2010 Census)
Social Security Prefix:
261 thru 267
589 thru 595
Border States:
Alabama (North/West)
Georgia (North)
Title State: Yes
Security Interests: Shown on the title held by lienholder.
Florida Motor Vehicle Division:
Repossession Allowed: Allowed per the UCC without a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: Yes, Can be verified at
Redemption Requirements: Debtor can redeem only prior to sale or foreclosure by payment of entire balance.
Notice of Intent Requirements: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Section 679-504(3)
Items Required for Liquidation: Title must be reduced to lienholder's name.
License Plates: Remain with debtor.
Nickname: The Peach State
Capital City: Atlanta
State Population: 9,815,210 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 252-260 and 667-675
Borders: West - Alabama, North - Tennessee and North Carolina, East - South Carolina, South - Florida
Title State: Yes, all vehicles and mobile homes manufactured 1963 and later. Boats are not.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Section 11-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Section 11-9-504.)
Liquidation Documents: Title, copy of contract, bill of sale, affidavit of repossession (T-16)
Plates: Remain with the vehicle
Nickname: The Aloha State
Capital City: Honolulu, Oahu
State Population: 1,374,810 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 575-576 and 750-751
Borders: None, Islands
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles. Boats and mobile homes are not.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Must be licensed as a collection agency with Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (HRS 49:9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (HRS 49:9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: "Repossessed By" Lienholder, with signature on line one of Hawaiian Title, "Successor Interest" on line seven (Lienholder with signature), Registration in Lienholder’s name, inspection required.
Plates: Remain with the vehicle
Nickname: The Gem State
Capital City: Boise
State Population: 1,584,985 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 518-519
Borders: West - Oregon and Washington, North - Country of Canada, East - Montana and Wyoming,
South - Nevada and Utah
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats under 2,000 pounds are not but 2000 and newer are titled.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Section 28-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Title, (no signature on back) and Repossession Affidavit
Plates: Remain with the vehicle
Nickname: The Prairie State
Capital City: Springfield
State Population: 12,869,257 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 318-361
Borders: West - Missouri and Iowa, North - Wisconsin, East - Indiana, South - Kentucky
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Yes
Redemption Requirements: After Repossession, the lienholder shall mail the Affidavit of Defense to the registered owner's last known address giving the owner 21 days from the date of the certified mail to redeem this unit. The vehicle may not be sold or transferred during this period.
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (810 ILCS 5/9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: After Repossession, the lienholder shall mail the Affidavit of Defense to the registered owner's last known address giving the owner 21 days from the date of the certified mail to redeem this unit. The vehicle may not be sold or transferred during this period.
PPI: Illinois Collateral Recovery Act 225 ILCS 422/110 (F)
if a licensed repossession agency has cause to believe that a vehicle that serves as collateral collects or stores personal information as defined under section 10, then, as soon as practicable upon repossession of the vehicle and prior to the release of the vehicle from the possession of the licensed repossession agency, the Licensed Repossession Agency shall clear, erase, delete, or otherwise eliminate the personal information collected or stored in or by the the vehicle by using a standardized electronic solution . .
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Hoosier State
Capital City: Indianapolis
State Population: 6,516,922 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 303-317
Borders: West - Illinois, North - Michigan, East - Ohio, South - Kentucky
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles and boats valued over $3,000 when new.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Indiana Code 26-1-9.1.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Indiana Code 26-1-9.1-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Certified copy of Contract (Form 1 Certificate of Repossession from California, Tennessee, Texas). All other states must have a repo title in the client's name.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Hawkeye State
Capital City: Des Moines
State Population: 3,062,309 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 478-485
Borders: West - Nebraska and South Dakota, North - Minnesota, East - Wisconsin and Illinois, South - Missouri
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Yes, shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Peaceful repossession permitted however, in a consumer credit transaction, the Iowa Consumer Credit Code Section 537.5110 requires that no attempt to enforce the obligation may be made until twenty (20) days after a written notice of right to cure default is given to the consumer debtor.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor.
Notice of Intent: N/A
Liquidation Documents: Title, Affidavit of Repossession. Do not release lien on title.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Sunflower State
Capital City: Topeka
State Population: 2,871,238 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 509-515
Borders: West - Colorado, North - Nebraska, East - Missouri, South - Oklahoma
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicle and mobile homes, not boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by the debtor/registered owner
Repo’s Allowed: After 20 day “Right to Cure” letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of peace. (Applicable only once during term of security agreement.) Not applicable to any “substantial impairment” such as lack of insurance, etc.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None, Please be advised that the Transportation Division of the Kansas Corporation Commission (“Transportation Division” and “Commission” respectively) is authorized by statute to take administrative action against entities that knowingly utilize for-hire motor carriers that do not have proper operating authority granted by the Commission. In particular, the Transportation Division may take action against Banks, Credit Unions, or lending institutions that utilize unlicensed motor carriers, wreckers, or tow trucks illegally operating as for-hire motor carriers, whether that transportation is intrastate or interstate. To verify status of Assignee, go to Kansas state website,
Redemption Requirements: N/A
Notice of Intent: N/A
Liquidation Documents: : No out of state repossession affidavits are accepted. Repossession affidavit may accompany Kansas title and an application for title together with a certified copy of the Security Agreement to the vehicle.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Bluegrass State
Capital City: Frankfort
State Population: 4,369,356 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 400-407
Borders: West - Missouri, North - Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, East - West Virginia and Virginia,
South - Tennessee
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Yes, shown on title held by debtor/registered owner. Lienholder is mailed title lien statement.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (KRS 355.9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (KRS 355.9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit.
Plates: Remain with the vehicle
Nickname: The Pelican State
Capital City: Baton Rouge
State Population: 4,574,836 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 433-439 and 659-665
Borders: West - Texas, North - Arkansas, East - Mississippi
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicle and mobile homes, not boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, if no breach of peace occurs in the act of retaking
Repo Licensing Requirements: The individual who physically repossesses collateral must be licensed by the State of Louisiana -Office of Financial Institutions. In the event a tow truck is used, the owner, or operator, shall possess a common carrier certificate issued by the Louisiana Public Service Commission,
Redemption Requirements: N/A
Notice of Intent: Effective January 1, 2005, Louisiana's Act 191 ("Additional Default Remedies Act") and Act 814 ("Notice of Repossession") permit a "secured party" or "a lessor" to take possession of collateral without judicial process provided: 1. prior to taking possession, a notice of intent is sent to all debtors, in writing, containing the specific wording: "Louisiana law permits repossession of motor vehicles without further notice or judicial process", 2. a "payment" default exceeding 30 days (monthly installment contracts) or 60 days (weekly or bi-weekly contracts) exists
Liquidation Documents: Vehicle may be sold on any State's Lien Released and Lienholder Assigned Title provided it is "federally conforming" and is accompanied by a "notarized" Affidavit of Possession and, if not self-helped, a photocopy of the Debtor's signed Release. If Title is non-federally conforming, substitute a "federally conforming", "notarized" Bill of Sale in lieu of assigning said Title. All documents must be completed accurately and devoid of any type of white out or line out corrections
Plates: Louisiana plates remain with the Debtor; or a letter from the Licensed Repossession Agency may be sent to the Debtor for DMV purposes. The only exception is with Leased Vehicles that always remain with the vehicle.
Nickname: The Pine Tree State
Capital City: Augusta
State Population: 1,328,188 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 004-007
Borders: West - New Hampshire and Country of Canada
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles manufactured after1984. Mobile homes and boats are not.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: After fourteen day Right to Cure Letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Yes, must be licensed as a debt collector thru the Maine Bureau of Consumer Protection
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (11 M.R.S.A. 9-506.)
Notice of Intent: N/A
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession (MVT-15)
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Old Line State
Capital City: Annapolis
State Population: 5,828,289 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 212-220
Borders: West - West Virginia and Virginia, North – Pennsylvania, East – Delaware, South - Washington, D.C.
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles and boats are titled. Mobile homes.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by the debtor/registered owner. Notice of security interest filling held by the lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: The State requires a collection agency license from Office of Commissioner of Financial Regulation.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Comm. L. 9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Title, Notice of Security Interest Filing VR-104 (Certificate of Repossession) VR-5 (Application for Title).
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Bay State
Capital City: Boston
State Population: 6,587,536 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 010-034
Borders: West – New York, North – New Hampshire, South – Connecticut and Rhode Island
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicle since September 1972 and boats not mobile homes.
Security Interest:
Repo’s Allowed: Right to cure law is in effect for all MA contracts. Vehicles cannot be repossessed from property owned or rented by the debtor. After Twenty-one Day Right to Cure Letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: After the repossession of a vehicle the debtor must be sent a notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, outlining the lienholder's redemption requirements; including the lienholder's intent to sell collateral either at public auction or by private sale, if the requirements are not fulfilled within twenty working days.
Notice of Intent: See above
Liquidation Documents: Power of Attorney, lien release and title
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Great Lakes State
Capital City: Lansing
State Population: 9,876,187 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 362-386
Borders: West – Wisconsin and Illinois, South – Indiana and Ohio, North – The country of Canada
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats over 20 feet must be titled.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by debtor.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Yes, must hold a valid Collection Agency License and bonded by Bureau of Consumer Services.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (MSA 19.9506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Title must be in lienholder's name. Forward application for title accompanied by a certified copy of the security agreement and an affidavit of repossession.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The North Star State
Capital City: St. Paul
State Population: 5,344,861 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 468-477
Borders: West – North Dakota and South Dakota, East – Wisconsin, South – Iowa,
North – The country of Canada
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles been required to be titled since October 1972, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: After 10 Day Right to Cure Letter from lien holder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Sec. 336.9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Sec. 336.9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Affidavit of Repossession, with title signed off as seller. Do not release lien.
Plates: Remain with the vehicle
Nickname: The Magnolia State
Capital City: Jackson
State Population: 2,978,512 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 429-432 and 587-588 and 752-755
Borders: West – Arkansas and Louisiana, North – Tennessee, East - Alabama
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles purchased after 1969, mobile homes and boats are not required.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: No license is required by the state, although there are city and county business license is requirements.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Section 75-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Section 75-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Show Me State
Capital City: Jefferson City
State Population: 6,010,688 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 486-500
Borders: West – Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma, South – Arkansas, East – Indiana and Illinois, North - Iowa
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats are if they are motor-propelled or over 12 foot.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by owner of the collateral.
Repo’s Allowed: After Twenty Day Right To Cure Letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor.(Section 400.9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Section 400.9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Affidavit of Repossession, Application for Missouri Title.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Treasure State
Capital City: Helena
State Population: 998,199 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 516-517
Borders: West – Idaho, South – Wyoming, East – South Dakota and North Dakota,
North – The country of Canada
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by debtor.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor.
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Affidavit of repossession, bill of sale or title in lienholders name.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Cornhusker State
Capital City: Lincoln
State Population: 1,842,641 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 505-508
Borders: West – Wyoming and Colorado, South Kansas, East – Missouri and Iowa, North – South Dakota
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats manufactured after November 1, 1972.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, allowed without breach of peace; in a consumer credit transaction, a creditor generally may not accelerate maturity of the unpaid balance of the obligation or take possession of collateral after a default until twenty (20) days after a written notice of the consumer's right to cure is given. If the consumer cured the default by tendering the amount of all unpaid sums due at the time of tender, without acceleration, plus any unpaid charges, the consumer's right under the agreement is restored.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor.
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Title must be in name of lienholder to execute sale of collateral.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Silver State
Capital City: Carson City
State Population: 2,723,322 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 530 and 680
Borders: West - California, South - Arizona, East - Utah, North - Idaho and Oregon
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Yes
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (NRS 104.9506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Title, Affidavit of Repossession, Bill of Sale.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
New Hampshire
Nickname: The Granite State
Capital City: Concord
State Population: 1,318,194 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 001-003
Borders: West - Vermont, South - Massachusetts, East - Maine, North - The country of Canada
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles model year ten years or less, Mobile homes and boats are not.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (382-A:9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Title, Affidavit of Repossession.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
New Jersey
Nickname: The Garden State
Capital City: Trenton
State Population: 8,821,155 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 135-158
Borders: West – Pennsylvania, South – Delaware, North – New York
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats over 12 feet need to be titled.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Sec. 12A:9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Sec. 12A:9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Application (CO-56), Writ of Execution stamped "True Copy" signed by the Clerk of Court, copy of posted notice of sale and original title.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
New Mexico
Nickname: The Land of Enchantment
Capital City: Santa Fe
State Population: 2,082,224 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 525 and 585
Borders: West - Arizona, South - The country of Mexico, East – Texas and Oklahoma, North - Colorado
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: If repossession discussed with debtor the secured party must give a ten-day notice otherwise peaceful repossession allowed.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Yes, issued by State of New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department Financial Institutions Division.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor.
Notice of Intent: N/A
Liquidation Documents: Title Release of Lien, Affidavit of Repossession, Bill of Sale.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
New York
Nickname: The Empire State
Capital City: Albany
State Population: 19,465,197 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 050-134
Borders: West - Pennsylvania and The country of Canada, South – Pennsylvania and New Jersey, East – Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles manufactured in 1973 and newer models, mobile homes and boats manufactured after 1987 and that are 14 feet or longer with motor.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by debtor.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Chapter. 38, Art. 9, Part 5, Sec. 9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Chapter. 38, Art. 9, Part 5, Sec. 9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: If New York Title, must have a signed off MV-901 (notice of recorded lien) and a MV950 (combination bill of sale, odometer statement, affidavit of repossession). If out of state title, title must show lienholder as owner and a notarized bill of sale.
Plates: Remain with the Debtor, or they need to be turned in to NY DMV along with Form MV 327 within 24 hours of repossession.
North Carolina
Nickname: The Tar Heel State
Capital City: Raleigh
State Population: 9,656,401 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 232 and 237-246 and 681-690
Borders: West - Tennessee, South - Georgia and South Carolina, North - Virginia
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats are optional.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (25-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Title and Repossession Affidavit, Out of State Repossession titles and affidavits are accepted.
Plates: Remain with the debtor.
North Dakota
Nickname: The Peace Garden State
Capital City: Bismarck
State Population: 683,932 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 501-502
Borders: West – Montana, South – South Dakota, East – Minnesota, North – The country of Canada
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes are titled and boats are not.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (41-09-52.)
Notice of Intent: N/A
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit.
Plates: Remain with the vehicle.
Nickname: The Buckeye State
Capital City: Columbus
State Population: 11,544,951 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 268-302
Borders: West – Indiana, South – Kentucky and West Virginia, East - Pennsylvania
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats over 14 feet are titled.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None.
Redemption Requirements: A debtor may redeem the collateral by tendering full fulfillment of the secured obligation plus all expenses reasonably incurred by the creditor prior to the sale of the collateral. (O.R.C. 1309.49.)
Notice of Intent: In a retail installment contract involving a consumer transaction, the creditor must give the debtor a written notice, within five (5) days after taking possession of the collateral, of the circumstances constituting the default and the terms for curing the default. If the debtor fails to cure the default within twenty (20) days after the creditor retakes possession of the collateral, or fifteen (15) days the giving of notice, whichever is later, the secured creditor may dispose of the collateral by public sale only after giving a notice of sale. The required notice of public sale must be sent by certified mail, with return receipt requested, at least ten days prior to the sale, and must contain specific information such as the date, time and place of the sale, the minimum price for the collateral, and a statement that the debtor may be held liable for any deficiency resulting from the sale.
Liquidation Documents: Must have title in the name of the lienholder.
Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Sooner State
Capital City: Oklahoma City
State Population: 3,791,508 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 440-448
Borders: West – New Mexico, South – Texas, East – Arkansas and Missouri, North - Kansas and Colorado
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats with motors over 10 hp are titled.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by debtor.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (12A-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. With exception to transactions involving consumer goods, notice to any holder of a subordinate lien is also required. (12A-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Out of state titles must be in the name of lienholder. In Oklahoma copy of a security agreement (certified), lien released or repossession title in the name of lienholder.
Plates: Most remain with the vehicle. However, “personalized” plates are the property of the debtor.
Nickname: The Beaver State
Capital City: Salem
State Population: 3,871,859 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 540-544
Borders: South – California and Nevada, East – Idaho, North - Washington
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Recovery agencies are designated collection agencies and must register with the Department of Consumer and Business Services.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (ORS 79.5060.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor
Liquidation Documents: Out of State Titles or Repossession certificates are required. Oregon titles require a repossession certificate. To transfer title to a repossessed vehicle, the documents needed are: (1) The Original Title endorsed by the lienholder; (2) Notarized Affidavit of Repossession; (3) A copy of the final demand letter with its certified mail receipt attached.
Plates: Remain with the vehicle. (Custom plates remain with the debtor.)
Nickname: The Keystone State
Capital City: Harrisburg
State Population: 12,742,886 (2011 est)
Social Security Prefix: 159-211
Borders: West – Ohio and West Virginia, South – Maryland and Delaware, East – New Jersey,
North – New York
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats 14 feet or longer/model year 1997 or newer.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: Yes
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (13 Pa.C.S. § 9506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: 1) Seizure Notice, Notarized 2) Notarized copy of contract front and back sides 3) Title odometer statement. The lender acts as the "SELLER" and includes his title next to his signature in both cases. 4) Copy of redemption letter to debtor, notarized 5) Copy of certified mail receipt used to send out the redemption letter, notarized 6) Motor Vehicle Form MV216A (request from your repossessor) 7) Bill of Sale, Notarized 8) Letter authorizing repossessor to sell for high bid and the dollar amount.
Plates: Remain with the debtor.
Rhode Island
Nickname: The Ocean State
Capital City: Providence
State Population: 1,051,302 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 035-039
Border States: Connecticut (West), Massachusetts (East)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles ten years old and newer, mobile homes 8’6”x 60 and boats 14-feet in length.
Security Interest: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repo’s Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Ā§ 6A-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor.
Liquidation Documents: Bill of Sale, Affidavit of Repossession, Title, Inspection required.
License Plates: Remain with the debtor.
South Carolina
Nickname: The Palmetto State
Capital City: Columbia
State Population: 4,679,230 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix:
Border States: Georgia (West and South), North Carolina (North)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes larger than 96” wide and boats.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Reposssession Allowed: Twenty day Right to Cure, then as per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (36-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. With exception to transactions involving consumer goods, notice to any holder of a subordinate lien is also required. (36-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Notarized bill of sale, title and repossession affidavit.
License Plates: Remain with the debtor.
South Dakota
Nickname: Mount Rushmore State
Capital City: Pierre
State Population: 824,082 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 503-504
Border States:
Montana, Wyoming (West)
North Dakota (North)
Iowa, Minnesota (East)
Nebraska (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats over twelve feet.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor.
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Section 57A-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Repossession title in name of lienholder. To obtain, need repossession affidavit and copy of contract.
License Plates: Remain with the vehicle.
Nickname: The Volunteer State
Capital City: Nashville
State Population: 6,403,353 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 408-415 and 756-763
Border States:
Arkansas, Missouri (West)
Kentucky, Virginia (North)
North Carolina (East)
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats are not.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (47-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (47-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title with lien released, odometer statement, bill of sale, affidavit of sale/repossession.
License Plates: Remain with the debtor
Nickname: The Lone Star State
Capital City: Austin
State Population: 25.1 Million (Per 2010 Census)
Social Security Prefix: 449 thru 467
Border States:
New Mexico (West)
Oklahoma (North)
Arkansas (East)
Louisiana (East)
Title State: Yes
Security Interests: Shown on the title held by lienholder.
Texas Motor Vehicle Division:
Repossession Allowed: Allowed per the UCC without a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Acceleration of balance. The Uniform Commercial Code supersedes all other provisions here.
Notice of Intent Requirements: 10 day redemption
Items Required for Liquidation: Certificate of title with lien release, affidavit of repossession, certified copy of lien instrument and notarized Power of Attorney. Contact local agent for further details.
License Plates: The Texas DMV has no guidance on plate handling as it relates to auto repossessions.
Nickname: The Beehive State
Capital City: Salt Lake City
State Population: 2,817,222 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix:
Border States:
Nevada (West)
Idaho, Wyoming (North)
Colorado (East)
Arizona (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats are if they were manufactured after 1985.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Utah Code 70A-9-504(3).)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Utah Code 70A-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit, and Odometer Statement.
License Plates: Remain with debtor.
Nickname: The Green Mountain State
Capital City: Montpelier
State Population: 626,431 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 008-009
Border States:
New York (West)
Country of Canada (North)
New Hampshire (East)
Massachusetts (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles 15 years old or less, boats and not mobile homes.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repo Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (U.C.C. 9A-9-504(3).)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to b given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (U.C.C. 9A-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit, Bill of Sale and Title with Lien released.
License Plates: Remain with debtor.
Nickname: The Old Dominion State
Capital City: Richmond
State Population: 8,096,604 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 223-231 and 691-699
Border States:
Kentucky, West Virginia (West)
Maryland, District of Columbia (North))
Tennessee, North Carolina (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: Tow truck registration with the state required. Must register with Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) which provides statutory oversight of individuals who drive a tow truck in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and DCJS is responsible for providing technical assistance.
Redemption Requirements: Any time before disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (VA Code 8-9-506(3).)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (VA Code 8-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: If Virginia title, must be in the name of the lienholder. Will accept repossession affidavit from other states.
License Plates: Remain with debtor.
Nickname: The Evergreen State
Capital City: Olympia
State Population: 6,830,038 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 531-539
Border States:
Country of Canada (North)
Idaho (East)
Oregon (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (RCW 62A.9-504(3).)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (RCW 62A.9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title and Repossession Affidavit.
License Plates: Remain with debtor.
West Virginia
Nickname: The Mountain State
Capital City: Charleston
State Population: 1,855,364 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 232 and 233-236
Border States:
Ohio, Kentucky (West)
Pennsylvania (North)
Maryland (East)
Virginia (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by lienholder.
Repossession Allowed: After Ten Day Right to Cure Letter from lienholder to debtor, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Ā§46-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Ā§46-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit, Bill of Sale, and Odometer Statement.
License Plates: Remain with the debtor.
Nickname: The Badger State
Capital City: Madison
State Population: 5,711,767 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 387-399
Border States:
Iowa, Minnesota (West)
Michigan (East)
Illinois (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and boats.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by debtor.
Repossession Allowed: Repossessions allowed in the State of Wisconsin with Replevin Judgments, Voluntary Surrenders, or under Wisconsin Act 255, which outlines specific cure requirements. For assistance, please contact an ARA member listed in Wisconsin.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (Sec. 409.506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (Sec. 409.504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit, and Copy of Contract.
License Plates: Remain with debtor.
Nickname: The Equality or Cowboy State
Capital City: Cheyenne
State Population: 568,158 (est 2011)
Social Security Prefix: 520
Border States:
Idaho, Utah (West)
Montana (North)
Nebraska, South Dakota (East)
Colorado (South)
Title State: Yes, all motor vehicles, mobile homes and not boats or trailers under 1,000 pounds.
Security Interests: Shown on title held by debtor.
Repossession Allowed: Yes, As per UCC, repossession allowed without committing a breach of the peace.
Repossession Licensing Requirements: None
Redemption Requirements: Any time before the disposition of the collateral, a debtor may have a right to redeem the collateral by tendering full payment of the obligation owed and all reasonable expenses incurred by the creditor. (WS 34.1-9-506.)
Notice of Intent: Reasonable notice of the time and place of the sale is generally required to be given to other secured creditors and the debtor. (WS 34.1-9-504(3).)
Liquidation Documents: Title, Repossession Affidavit and Copy of Contract.
License Plates: Remain with debtor.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Costa Rica
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.
US Virgin Islands
Bond Coverage is Applicable For Services Rendered Within The United States Of America Only and Puerto Rico.